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Admissions and Records Office
Admissions To-Do List Summer 24 without Placements
Your to-do list for preparing for the Summer 2024 semester.
- Log into eServices (the hub for enrolling in classes).
- If you can’t remember your student ID number, retrieve it with the Student ID Lookup tool. If you don’t recall your password or haven’t set one up, create a password using your security questions.
- Access your student Gmail account.
- You will receive important emails from professors here. Your login and password are the same as those used for eServices; your email address is your student ID number + @apps.losrios.edu (ex: W1234567@apps.losrios.edu).
- Submit official transcripts/test scores to our Admissions & Records office.
- This is only necessary if you’ve earned college credit outside of Los Rios Community College District and plan to receive a degree/certificate from SCC. Reminder: to transfer credit, official transcripts/test scores must be sent directly from the issuing institution to our office (admissions@scc.losrios.edu).
- Take steps to determine your Math & English Placements.
- If you graduated high school within the last 10 years , submit a Placement Re-Evaluation Form and an unofficial high school transcript to admissions@scc.losrios.edu to receive Math & English placements.
- If you graduated high school 10 or more years ago , complete the guided self-placement to receive Math & English placements.
- Meet with a counselor to create your Summer semester ed plan.
- This step is highly suggested for (1) students who need help choosing classes, (2) students transferring credit from prior colleges and/or (3) students seeking a certificate/degree from SCC. You can schedule a counseling appointment using your student ID number and birthdate. New appointments are released on weeknights at midnight.
- Submit FAFSA (or CADAA for Dreamers).
- This is required if interested in determining your financial aid eligibility for Summer semester.
- Check out the Summer 2024 class schedule when released on February 20.
- Choose class sections that fit your schedule and educational goals.
- On February 23, review your enrollment appointment in eServices.
- Your enrollment appointment is the first date/time that you are eligible to begin enrolling for Summer semester.
- Complete all tasks listed in the Tasks tile of eServices before enrolling.
- Incomplete tasks prevent enrollment. Each semester, check prior to your enrollment appointment to ensure that all tasks are completed and enrollment holds are cleared.
- If necessary, clear course prerequisites using external coursework.
If you have completed required prerequisites outside of Los Rios:- To clear Math or English prerequisites, submit a Prerequisite Equivalency Form and an unofficial transcript to admissions@scc.losrios.edu before enrolling
- To clear prerequisites for any other subject, provide proof of successful prerequisite completion directly to the professor once enrolled.
- Enroll in classes via eServices when your enrollment appointment arrives.
- Review the FAQ page for directions on how to enroll, how to use permission numbers, how to pay for classes and more. Reminder: You must pay course fees by the associated deadlines to remain enrolled.
- Beginning June 10, log into Canvas to review your course syllabi.
- Canvas uses the same login info as eServices. Each class has a unique Canvas page where you can review the syllabus, assignments, due dates, grades, etc. Be sure to read each syllabus in its entirety for course expectations.
Summer semester begins June 10, 2024.