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Writing Center

Home Student Resources Writing Center

The Writing Center is a free resource that offers writing support to students enrolled in any SCC class. We offer 55-minute, one-on-one sessions where students can talk with a writing tutor about their assignment, ideas, thesis statement, organization, or anything else related to writing. We offer both in-person sessions and online sessions using Google Meet.

Make an Appointment

Request a Writing Center Appointment


How Online Tutoring Works

Online tutoring works just like face-to-face tutoring. Using Google Meet and Google Docs through your Los Rios Gmail, you can meet with a tutor in real-time. Just like any appointment in the Writing Center, tutors can help at any stage of the writing process for any class at Sacramento City College.

Watch the video below to see how online tutoring works at the SCC Writing Center.

More About the Writing Center

Writing Center Staff

Most Writing Center tutors are students who have completed ENGWR 300 or ESLW 340 with a grade of A or B, and have attended tutor training workshops. Some tutors are instructional assistant staff and English or ESL department faculty members.

Who Are the Writing Center Tutors?

Writing Center Videos

Check out some videos we've created about various topics related to writing.

Writing Center Videos

Apply to be a Writing Center Tutor

Access applications for Peer (Student) Tutors and for Faculty Tutors

Apply to be a Writing Center Tutor

Writing Center Policies

Things to know about getting assistance from the SCC Writing Center.

Writing Center Policies

Faculty Referral Form

SCC faculty members may use this form to request that a student work on something specific when coming to the Writing Center.

Faculty Referral Form

Davis Writing Center

The Davis Writing Center is a free resource that offers writing support to students enrolled in any SCC class.

Davis Writing Center

West Sacramento Center Writing Center

The West Sacramento Writing Center provides students with writing assistance in all disciplines and levels of learning.

West Sacramento Center Writing Center


Call or Text: (916) 382-2820

Spring Hours


  • Monday to Thursday:
    9:30 am to 4:30 pm
  • Friday:
    10:00 am to 2:00 pm


  • Monday:
    10:00 am to 4:00 pm

  • Tuesday to Thursday:
    10:00 am to 7:00 pm
  • Friday and Saturday:
    10:00 am to 2:00 pm


Learning Resource Center, LRC 144
3835 Freeport Boulevard
Sacramento, CA 95822

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