Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services
We are committed to providing you quality interpreting and captioning services.
Together, we will create equal access to the materials and information you need to be successful in the classroom and as part of the Panther community.
- Sign Language Interpreter
- Real-Time Captioning
- Oral Interpreters
- Assisted Listening Devices
- Extended Time on Tests
- Shared Notes
- Preferential Seating
Steps to Receive Services
- Pick up an Intake Packet at the DSPS office in Student Services 104 or call (916) 558-2087
- Complete the green Application for Services form
- Complete the top of the pink Disability Verification/Release of Information form and sign the back.
- The verification form must be completed by your doctor or appropriate professional)
Return the Application, Disability Verification, your assessment test results, and any other college transcripts to the DSPS office.
- The verification form must be completed by your doctor or appropriate professional)
- Make an appointment with a DSPS counselor to complete
Interpreter/Transliterater III: Cassie Foster
Phone: (916) 558-2313
VP: (916) 374-7218
Student Services Building, STS 104
3835 Freeport Boulevard
Sacramento, CA 95822