Measure A Passes, UTP Program is Extended

In a special election held October 10 and 11, 2023, an overwhelming majority of Los Rios Community College District students who voted favored extending the Los Rios and Sacramento Regional Transit (RT) Universal Transit Pass (UTP) Program through December 31, 2028.
The program gives all Los Rios students (those attending American River College, Cosumnes River College, Folsom Lake College, and Sacramento City College) a discount on public transit – saving hundreds of dollars a year off an RT pass – and provides access to all RT light rail and bus lines 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
A record-breaking 2,169 students cast their votes in the special election online, with 1,756 voting Yes and 413 voting No on Measure A. A simple majority was required to approve or reject the measure.
The extension of the UTP will be finalized once approved by the Los Rios Board of Trustees, who will vote on its ratification at their November 2023 meeting.
As it is an extension of the existing program, students currently paying the UTP fee will not see an increase in their per-unit fees.