Many of the materials housed in Special Collections (Archives) are unique and fragile, and therefore require special care. Researchers must comply with policies that are more restrictive than those guiding the use of the circulating and reserve collections.
- All visitors are required to sign the guestbook.
- Visits may take place only when the archivist is present.
- Access to the Special Collections room is open to the public; however, access to certain collections may be restricted on the basis of donor restrictions, poor physical condition, or privacy concerns. Unprocessed collections may not be available for viewing.
- Personal articles such as handbags, backpacks, and coats must be placed behind the archivist’s desk.
- Visitors may not remove collections from the Special Collections room.
- Special Collections reserves the right to inspect visitors’ personal items before a visitor leaves the room.
- Food and beverages are not permitted in the room.
- For taking notes, pencils may be used, but ink pens may not.
- No photography is permitted in the room without the archivist’s permission. Flash photography is not permitted under any circumstances.
- Reproduction of materials requires the permission of the archivist and may be denied on the basis of donor restrictions, poor physical condition, privacy concerns or copyright restrictions.
- When handling collection materials, users must exercise care. The following activities are prohibited:
- handling items with dirty hands (gloves are available if needed);
- placing objects on top of collection items;
- rearranging materials out of their established order.
- Violation of any of the above may result in disciplinary action, including but not limited to removal from the Special Collections room, denial of subsequent visits to the room, referral to the Student Discipline Officer, and action by Campus Police.
Approved by LRC Access Services committee March 13, 2015