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Home Campus Life News Caring Campus Identifies Ways to Engage Students Daily

Caring Campus Identifies Ways to Engage Students Daily

During the summer of 2020, the Vice President of Administration Carrie Bray and more than 50 classified professionals from SCC’s main campus, as well as its outreach centers in Davis and West Sacramento, worked together on the Caring Campus initiative to develop action-based behavioral commitments to improve student experience and engagement. This program guides student services, instruction, and operational department staff in developing strategies that can easily be implemented campus-wide by all staff members. This work will reinforce and support the college’s City Ways efforts.

The Caring Campus Leadership Team selected Classified Professionals in their area who are champions when it comes to serving our students, and who already exhibit behaviors that mirror the Caring Campus behavioral commitments, which are:

  • Caring Communication/Introduce Yourself
  • Warm Referrals
  • Know Other Departments
  • Reach Out to Students

The level of engagement and enthusiasm from the Classified Professionals who were selected was inspirational. Part of the process included discussing the behavioral commitments with their colleagues and presenting their findings to their college areas and supervisors. Hopefully, many of you have already received information on their wonderful work.  

Implementation, Monitoring, and Communication plans were developed to ensure the work continues, to hold ourselves accountable, and to share the behavioral commitments and efforts with our college community. Because this effort is in concert with our City Ways efforts, it was a great fit for SCC. This is the end product of the hard work that occurred over the summer by Classified Professionals and illustrates how both Caring Campus and City Ways work so well together.

Behavioral Commitments: Caring Campus Crosswalk to City Ways

We want you to think of Caring Campus as a crosswalk to City Ways. What does that mean exactly?

It’s simple: City Ways is what we aspire to do, and Caring Campus is how we actualize those goals.

Caring Campus Crosswalk to City Ways
Caring Campus Traditional Caring Campus Virtual City Ways

Caring Communication/Nametags

Greet students and help them feel comfortable. Make eye contact, be welcoming through a smile. Display empathy focus on the student. Wear name badges so the students will know who you are and where you work. Follow up with a business card.

Give your information upfront

Start each contact with your name & department. Ask for the student’s name and contact info in case you get disconnected. In email communication, use a personalized greeting, add your picture to your signature line.

Greet students and help them feel comfortable

Make eye contact, smile, acknowledge them, say hello, ask and use their name.

Warm Referrals

Call ahead or walk the student to the office they need to get to. Follow up to ensure the student arrived.

Warm Referrals

Contact area to inform them that the student is being referred. Provide student information and concern. Follow up to ensure the student made contact.

Help clarify practices and processes for students

Eliminate barriers for them when you can.

Know Other Departments

Eliminate barriers by knowing where to send students   Cross-train in other areas to better understand what they do. Create a ‘cheat sheet’.

Know Other Departments

Learn about other departments so you know where to send students. Understand how these departments communicate with students.

Give students clear directions for the next steps in their processes

Help them find the answers they are looking for.

10-foot Rule

Whenever a student is within 10 feet and seems to need assistance, approach them. Say hello, smile, identify yourself, and use a positive tone. Soft handoff.

Reaching Out

Utilize phone, email, and text to let students know you’re available to answer questions, respond to concerns, and provide clear directions for their next steps.

Follow up

Close with your business card and/or email to follow up.

Caring Campus Classified Professionals Team

Name Title Department/Division
Silvia Aguirre-Barr Clerk III Business & Computer Information Science
Derek Allenby SPA-Career & Job Opportunity Engagement & Completion

Carly Brotherton

Lead Librarian Media Tech Asst.

Library Services

Brenda Buckner Campus Operations Supervisor Operations
Madeline Chu Account Clerk II Business Service Office
Diana Daniels Administrative Assistant I Davis Center
Margaret D’Cruz Administrative Assistant I Business & Computer Information Science
Michelle Gitonga Instructional Assistant - Math Math, Statistics & Engineering
Lisa Hayden Student Support Specialist ASHE Engagement & Completion
Candy He Clerk III Language & Literature
Wendy Hein Counseling Clerk I Retention & Persistence
Lolita Herrera Watanabe Clerk III Kinesiology, Health, Athletics
Malissa Kekahu Confidential Administrative Assistant III President Office
Charito Lagat Assistant Financial Aid Officer Financial Aid
Hunter Laugenour Maintenance Technician Operations
Natalya Lodzhanskiy SPA West Sacramento Center
Laura Love Administrative Assistant I Kinesiology, Health, Athletics
Courtnee Mack Outreach Specialist Admissions & Records
Angeles Macias SPA Counseling Services
Margarita Mendoza-Marin Administrative Assistant I Behavioral & Social Sciences
Michie Montgomery Media Systems/Resource Technician I IT/Media Services
Hannia Parker Administrative Assistant III Vice President Instruction Office
Katie Pinkston Instructional Assistant – Writing Learning Resource Center
Evelyn Retter Administrative Assistant III Vice President Student Services Office
Yolanda Robinson Children’s Center Clerk Child Development Center
Taunya Wattier Administration Services Analyst Vice President of Administrative Services
Kevin Williams IT Sys/DB Administrative Analyst IT/Media Services

Caring Campus Leadership Team

Name Title Department/Division
Michael Castelle Custodial/Receiving Supervisor Campus Operations
Kim Goff Supervisor Admissions & Records
Donnetta Webb Dean Advanced Technology
Alex Adan Media Resources Supervisor Media Services
Rukiya Bates Interim Dean Retention & Persistence
Carrie Bray Vice President Administrative Services
Davin Brown Vice President Student Services
Mitch Campbell Dean Kinesiology, Health & Athletics
Andre Coleman Dean Student Intervention
Kaitlyn Collignon Public Information Officer Office of the President
Jim Collins Dean Science & Allied Health
Lakia DeCosta Interim Counseling Supervisor Counseling
Andy Divanyan College IT Systems Supervisors IT/Computer Services
Kevin Flash Dean Learning Resources Division
Albert Garcia Vice President Instruction
Andrea Gaytan Dean Davis Center
Tracey Gomez Professor – Reading Instrumental Implementing City Ways
Michael Gutierrez President Office of the President
Robin Ikegami Dean Language & Literature
Angie Lambert Dean Math, Statistics & Engineering
Margaret Lednicky Director Operations
Dennis Lee Dean Behavioral & Social Sciences
Patti Leonard Dean Humanities & Fine Arts
Ginny McReynolds Associate Vice President Instruction (Guided Pathways)
Gabriel Meehan Associate Vice President Instruction
Miguel Molina Dean Connection & Onboarding
Gayle Pitman Dean Planning Research & Institutional Effectiveness
Deborah Saks Dean Business & Computer Information   Science
BJ Snowden Dean West Sacramento Center
Molly Springer Dean Engagement & Completion
Pamela Tuzza Interim Financial Aid Supervisor Financial Aid