Mercy Hawkins Artist Lecture / Clear Morning Reception (Kondos Gallery)
This is an in-person event.
jen stract
(916) 558-2559
More in This Series
The Sacramento City College Art Department is proud to host artist Mercy Hawkins solo show Clear Morning at the Kondos Gallery.
Please join us for a presentation by the Artist with reception to follow.
Kondos Gallery
Fischbacher Fine Arts Building FFA-123
Sacramento City College
3835 Freeport Boulevard
Sacramento, CA 95822
Parking for Community Members
There is no designated parking for the Kondos Gallery. Community members may park in non-staff spaces with a daily permit, dispensed at machines on site ($2). The main parking area is accessible off 12th Avenue, from Freeport Boulevard. The gallery is located on the northeast side of campus, near the main parking area and the College Store. Please see the campus map to plan your visit.