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What is a fellow and what is a fellowship?

Selected undergraduate students will be referred to as College Corps Fellows throughout the duration of the program. The fellowship refers to the year-long commitment and service completed with an external community partner.


As a College Corps fellow, you will be assigned an external community partner to work with and complete a majority of your 450 hours of service with this community host site.

As a College Corps Fellow, you will serve 450 hours over the course of the 2023-2024 academic year (September 2023 to June 2024).

You would select one of the following three areas:

  • K-12 Education
  • Food Insecurity
  • Climate Action

This roughly equates to 15 hours a week.


As a College Corps Fellow, you'll receive:

  • Up to $7,000 living stipend (throughout the term of service or up to $700/month) + $3,000 Education Award upon completion of 450 service hours.
  • Real-world job experience and skills to add to your resume.
  • Access to training, networking, and professional development opportunities.
  • Connections with fellows across the state via a virtual platform and regional events.
  • An academic course (1 unit per quarter) designed to support your professional learning throughout the experience.
  • A sense of community and accomplishment in working toward the common goals of improving our community.