The classroom (including laboratories, field trips, independent study, etc.) is the essential part of any college where freedom to learn should flourish. The instructor has the responsibility for the manner of instruction and the conduct of the classroom. The instructor should not act in any way that denies the rights of students as set forth below (Los Rios Regulation R-2411).
Your Student Academic Rights
In preparing student publications, the editorial staff and faculty advisors shall be free from censorship and advance copy approval except as provided by published district policy, statutes, or college regulation. These publications should do the following:
- Adhere to canons of responsible journalism, such as avoidance of libel, indecency, undocumented allegations, attacks on personal integrity, and the techniques of harassment and innuendo.
- State on the editorial page that the opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the college or the student body.
Students shall have the right to take stands on issues, the right to examine and discuss questions of interest to them, and the right to support causes by orderly means which are in harmony with the regular functioning of the institution.
Students shall have the right to hear speakers on any subject and college recognized student organizations shall have the right to present speakers on any subject. In addition, students shall have the right of free assembly on each campus subject to regulations that assure the regular functioning of the institution.
The policies and regulations shall include reasonable provisions for the time, place, and manner of conducting these activities, but shall not prohibit the right of students to exercise free expression including, but not limited to, the use of bulletin boards, the distribution of printed materials or petitions, and the wearing of buttons, badges, and other insignia.
Expression which is obscene, libelous, or slanderous according to current legal standards, or which so incites students as to create a clear and present danger of the commission of unlawful acts on college premises, or the violation of lawful district or college regulations, or the substantial disruption of the orderly operation of the college, shall be prohibited.
Students shall have the right to form an organization around any particular interest; this right will include the freedom to organize and to join student organizations subject to published college and district regulations.
Students shall have the right to be informed on all college matters that can be shown to be directly relevant to them by having a voice in decision making that affects their academic future, with the exception of staff appointment, termination, and tenure.
In case of conflict in determining what college matters are relevant to students, the determination will be made by a college-designated student, faculty, and administrative committee.
In addition, student representatives shall be members of all faculty and administrative committees related to students' concerns; such student representatives shall have a vote as committee members.
Students shall have the right to have their academic records treated in a confidential and responsible manner with due regard to the personal nature of the information these records contain. Students’ records will be released only on the written consent of the students or as provided by law. See FERPA
Students shall have the right of protection against prejudiced or capricious academic evaluation. At the same time, however, students are responsible for maintaining standards of academic performance established in advance for each course in which they are enrolled.
Students shall have the right to file a grievance as outlined in Los Rios Regulation R-2412, in the event of an alleged breach of their rights. SCC's designated Grievance Officer will hear grievances of students who believe their academic rights have been denied or violated. See Class-Related Concerns
Your Student Responsibilities
Admission to college assumes the expectation that the student will be a responsible member of the college community; will obey the law; comply with the published rules and regulations of the college; respect the rights, privileges, and property of the other members of the college community; and not interfere with legitimate college affairs. Students enrolled in a class are responsible for meeting standards of performance and conduct established by the Los Rios Community College District and the instructor. Students are responsible for registering and "adding" and "dropping" classes in a timely fashion to insure that others will have an opportunity to take classes. Students are responsible for completing and submitting all class assignments, examinations, tests, projects, reports, etc. by scheduled due dates, or face penalties. If any problem arises regarding course work or attendance, the student will be held responsible for initiating communication and contact with the instructor. In addition, students will be held responsible for behavior and conduct adverse to the preservation of order as established by the college and the instructor. Students are responsible for meeting their degree requirements as provided in the college catalog. See Students Standards of Conduct
Students also have the responsibility to use information technology resources effectively. Each user has the responsibility to:
- Use the resources appropriately and efficiently
- Respect the freedom and privacy of others
- Protect the stability and security of the resources
- Understand and fully abide by established college policies and applicable public laws
In the case of student conduct which involves an alleged or proven violation of criminal law, the disciplinary authority of the college will not be used to duplicate the function of criminal authority. Disciplinary action may be taken if the conduct also involves a violation of district or college policy. See Student Disciplinary Procedures