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Student Grievance and Class-Related Concerns

Steps to Resolution

  1. Students should speak with their professor about the concern.
  2. Students who feel as though they are unable to speak with their professor or resolve the situation, should then contact the instructional division area dean.

Note: Most complaints, grievances, or disciplinary matters should be resolved at the campus level. This is the quickest and most successful way of resolving issues involving the college. You are encouraged to work through the campus complaint process first.


For information on how to file a formal grievance, please contact the Student Grievance Officer:

Andre Coleman (Dean, Campus Intervention)
Phone: (916) 650-2929

Additional Grievance Information

Issues that are not resolved at the college or district level may be presented via resources provided by the California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office. Complainants are encouraged to use the official form provided by the Chancellor's office, however, that form is not required and complaints will not be considered defective or rejected if you do not use the form.

A student may file a grievance or grieve an action or decision of the district or one of its colleges when the student's status and/or rights have been adversely affected.

Grievances relating to grades are subject to Education Code Section 76224(a), which reads:

"When grades are given for any course of instruction taught in a community college district, the grade given to each student shall be the grade determined by the instructor of the course and the determination of the student's grade by the instructor, in the absence of mistake, fraud, bad faith, or incompetence, shall be final."

In addition to complaints being filed by students or employees, complaints may be initiated by other individuals or entities, such as a family member, representative, organization, or other third party wishing to file on behalf of an individual or group alleged to have suffered unlawful discrimination or harassment per Los Rios Regulation R-2423: Discrimination and Harassment Complaint Procedures.