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English as a Second Language (ESL) Course Sequence

Proficiency Level: Advanced

Take the following courses:

  1. ESLW 340: Advanced Composition1 (4 units)
  2. ESLLAB 80: ESL Center: Advanced Skills in ESL2 (.5 to 1.5 units)

You may also take one of the following optional courses:

  • ESLW 341: Developing Editing Skills and Advanced Grammar Review for ESL Writers (2 units)
  • ESLW 342: Building Editing Skills and Advanced Grammar Review for ESL Writers (2 units)
  • ESLR 340: Advanced Reading Skills Through Literature (3 units)

Proficiency Level: Advanced-Low

Take the following courses:

  1. ESL 325: Advanced-Low Integrated Reading and Writing3 / 5 (6 units) and ESLLAB 70: ESL Center: Advanced-Low Skills in ESL4 (.5 to 1.5 units)
  2. ESLG 320: Advanced-Low Grammar5 (3 units) and ESLLAB 71: ESL Center: Advanced-Low Support in ESL6 (.5 to 1.5 units)
  • 3 ESL 325 is a prerequisite for ESLW 340 and ENGWR 300.
  • 4 Skills Labs are strongly advised but not required.
  • 5 An Advanced Certificate can be added to a student's transcript after successful completion of ESL 325, ESLG 320, and ESL 114. Contact the ESL Department Chair for more information.
  • 6 Support Labs offer support in all other skill areas with personalized study plans. Labs are strongly advised but not required.

Proficiency Level: Intermediate-High

Take the following courses:

  1. ESL 315: Intermediate-High Integrated Reading and Writing (6 units) and ESLLAB 607 (.5 to 1.5 units)
  2. ESLG 310: Intermediate-High Grammar (3 units)
  3. ESLL 114: Career Communication Skills: Intermediate8 (3 units) and ESLLAB 61: ESL Center: Intermediate-High Support in ESL9 (.5 to 1.5 units)
  • 7 Skills Labs are strongly advised but not required.
  • 8 An Advanced Certificate can be added to a student's transcript after successful completion of ESL 325, ESLG 320, and ESL 114. Contact the ESL Department Chair for more information.
  • 9 Support Labs offer support in all other skill areas with personalized study plans. Labs are strongly advised but not required.

Proficiency Level: Intermediate-Mid

Take the following courses:

  1. ESL 55: Intermediate-Mid Integrated Reading and Writing (6 units) and ESLLAB 50: ESL Center: Intermediate-Mid Skills in ESL10 (.5 to 1.5 units)
  2. ESLG 51: Grammar for Intermediate ESL Writers (3 units)
  3. ESLL 51: Academic Communication, Notetaking, and College Success Skills (3 units) and ESLLAB 51: ESL Center: Intermediate-Mid Support in ESL11 (.5 to 1.5 units)

You may also take the following optional course:

  • ESLP 85: Pronunciation (2 units)
  • 10 Skills Labs are strongly advised but not required.
  • 11 Support Labs offer support in all other skill areas with personalized study plans. Labs are strongly advised but not required.
  • An Intermediate Certificate is awarded upon successful completion of ESL 55, ESLG 51, and ESLL 51. Contact the ESL Department Chair for more information.

Proficiency Level: Intermediate-Low

Take the following courses:

  1. ESL 47: Intermediate-Low Integrated Reading and Writing (6 units) and ESLLAB 40: ESL Center: Intermediate-Low Skills in ESL12 (.5 to 1.5 units)
  2. ESLG 41: Elements of English Sentences (3 units)
  3. ESLL 41: Listening, Speaking and Presentation Skills for College (3 units) and ESLLAB 41: ESL Center: Intermediate-Low Support in ESL13 (.5 to 1.5 units)

You may also take the following optional course:

  • ESL 40: ESL Through Computer Technology (2 units)
  • 12 Skills Labs are strongly advised but not required.
  • 13 Support Labs offer support in all other skill areas with personalized study plans. Labs are strongly advised but not required.

Proficiency Level: Novice-High

Take the following courses:

  1. ESL 37: Novice-High Integrated Reading and Writing (6 units) and ESLLAB 30: ESL Center: Novice-High Skills in ESL14 (.5 to 1.5 units)
  2. ESLG 31: Basic English Grammar (3 units)
  3. ESLL 31: Listening and Speaking for College Readiness (3 units) and ESLLAB 31: Novice-High Support in ESL15 (.5 to 1.5 units)
  • 14 Skills Labs are strongly advised but not required.
  • 15 Support Labs offer support in all other skill areas with personalized study plans. Labs are strongly advised but not required.