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Anthropology is the study of the cultural, biological, and linguistic behavior of people, both past and present, from all parts of the globe. Anthropologists focus on the diversity of modern culture and language around the world, the biocultural evolution of our species through time, and the changes our species underwent from our first steps to the rich diversity of past and present human societies.

Anthropology is a holistic discipline, which means that anthropologists study all aspects of humanity. The field of Anthropology is broken up into four main subfields: Cultural Anthropology, Biological Anthropology, Archaeology, and Linguistics. Cultural Anthropology is the study of human customs, traditions, and social organization using the perspective of cultural relativism. Biological Anthropology is the study of human evolution, genetics, biological variation, and the fossil evidence of our earliest human ancestors. Archaeology is the study of the human past through the reconstruction of culture and behavior using material remains left by past people. Linguistic Anthropology studies the role of human language in social interaction and worldview.

Degrees Offered

  • A.A.-T. in Anthropology
  • A.A. in Anthropology
  • Dean Dennis Lee
  • Department Chair Michael Grofe
  • Phone (916) 558-2401
  • Email