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Student Rights and Responsibilities

Essential Elements of a High-Quality Education

Sacramento City College envisions an education system in which specific rights, obligations, and expectations for students and education providers will be clearly expressed, so that all participants in the educational process, including families, can understand and respond to them. These rights, obligations, and expectations would define what the college considers to be the essential elements of high-quality teaching and learning to which all students and education providers should have access. Sacramento City College proposes that these rights, obligations, and expectations be defined as follows:

Student Rights

Every student has the right to:

  • Be taught by a competent and fully-qualified faculty member
  • Receive an education, including intervention when necessary, that is sufficient to allow successful transition into the next levels of education and into the workforce
  • Be provided access to high-quality learning materials and resources, including textbooks and technologies that foster and support the knowledge and skills they are expected to learn
  • Receive counseling and academic advising to assist in successful educational progress and planning
  • Be in a clean, modern, and safe environment that is conducive to learning
  • Be provided with sufficient information regarding educational, economic, social, and political options to be able to make informed choices for their future
  • Receive information about financial support for postsecondary education attendance

Student Responsibilities

Every student is expected to:

  • Attend college regularly and participate in the educational opportunities that are provided
  • Commit to the level of effort needed to succeed
  • Contribute to maintaining a safe, positive college environment

Fundamental Concepts

The Los Rios student rights and responsibilities are based upon the following three fundamental concepts:

  • College students, citizens of the United States, and foreign guests are members of the academic community
  • They have the same rights and freedoms that all citizens have as students, and must comply with federal and state laws and statutes
  • Students must also comply with Los Rios Board policies and individual college rules and regulations